Living in the Midwest, we often experience unique weather conditions that can lead to window condensation. Chad from Kundert Construction is here to shed light on why this happens and share some user-friendly tips to prevent it.

Why Window Condensation Occurs: Condensation on windows is a common occurrence in the Midwest due to the region’s fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels. During colder months, the temperature difference between the warm interior and the chilly exterior can result in moisture buildup on windows.

Preventive Measures:

  1. Maintain Proper Ventilation: Ensure good ventilation by using exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms. This helps in expelling excess moisture generated from cooking, showering, and other daily activities.
  2. Use Dehumidifiers: Investing in a dehumidifier can be a game-changer. These devices reduce indoor humidity levels, minimizing the chances of condensation forming on your windows.
  3. Circulate Air: Keep the air circulating throughout your home by using ceiling fans or simply opening windows when weather permits. This helps maintain a more consistent temperature and reduces moisture buildup.
  4. Seal Leaks:  In older homes, inspect your windows for any gaps or leaks that might be allowing cold air to infiltrate. Properly seal these areas to prevent warm indoor air from meeting the cold window surface.
  5. Install Storm Windows: In older homes, consider installing storm windows, which act as an extra layer of insulation. This additional barrier helps maintain a more stable temperature on your windows, reducing the likelihood of condensation.
  6. Monitor Indoor Plants: While indoor plants are great for air quality, they release moisture through a process called transpiration. Be mindful of the number of plants in your living space, especially during the winter months.
  7. Importance of Bathroom and Stove Fans: 

a. Bathroom Fans: Run your bathroom exhaust fan during and after showers to quickly remove excess moisture. Consider leaving it on for 10-15 minutes to ensure proper ventilation.

b. Stove Fans: When cooking, use the stove fan to eliminate steam and moisture generated during the process. Keep it running for 10-15 minutes after cooking to ensure thorough ventilation.

Conclusion: Understanding the factors that contribute to window condensation in the Midwest is the first step in preventing it. By incorporating these user-friendly tips into your home maintenance routine, you can create a more comfortable and condensation-free living environment.  

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